Rebuild a VM with a new image


Rebuilding Instances will result in loss of data. You should always refer to Creating Snapshots from Instance to backup your data.

OpenStack has a useful rebuild function that allows you to rebuild an instance from a fresh image while maintaining the same fixed and floating IP addresses, amongst other metadata.

Web Interface

  1. Log-in to the STFC cloud (

  2. In the Web Interface, Go to ComputeInstances

  3. Click the drop-down menu on the right-hand side (in Actions column) and select REBUILD INSTANCE

  1. Select the image from the drop-down menu in the pop-up. Click on the REBUILD button.

  1. The instance will be rebuilt with the new image



See Using OpenStack Command-line Interface on how to set-up the command line client.

  1. Get the Server ID (The VM to rebuild) and the Image ID

$ openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                                                     | Status      |
| ae4a8e18-627c-484a-9909-7bd93d9e3e97 | ubuntu-focal-20.04-gui                                   | active      |
$ openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name                     | Status | Networks                               | Image                                                   | Flavor       |
| b5acb398-76b4-48fe-9b9a-d480636fdfd9 | test-rebuild             | ACTIVE | Internal=                | scientificlinux-7-nogui                                 | c3.small     |
  1. Run

openstack server rebuild --image <image-id> <server-id>


$ openstack server rebuild --image ae4a8e18-627c-484a-9909-7bd93d9e3e97 b5acb398-76b4-48fe-9b9a-d480636fdfd9
| Field             | Value                                                            |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL                                                           |
| accessIPv4        |                                                                  |
| accessIPv6        |                                                                  |
| addresses         | Internal=                                          |
| adminPass         | yoTq5HDrhH6a                                                     |
| created           | 2021-12-03T10:31:27Z                                             |
| flavor            | c3.small (026ace2c-5247-4bdc-8929-81d129cc69bf)                  |
| hostId            | ff3c5830640867370bd8fb9228356baee63ff24e5baa381e41798dc9         |
| id                | b5acb398-76b4-48fe-9b9a-d480636fdfd9                             |
| image             | ubuntu-focal-20.04-gui (ae4a8e18-627c-484a-9909-7bd93d9e3e97)    |
| name              | test-rebuild                                                     |
| progress          | 0                                                                |
| project_id        | 80ab2bd11e5f46bf96bf47658d07499d                                 |
| properties        |                                                                  |
| status            | REBUILD                                                          |
| updated           | 2021-12-03T10:57:41Z                                             |
| user_id           | 3ae4ecf4b9e0e66260b7aaebc2cc98aac3c95221e42f1cb49113ed751d8b9f2c |